Monday, December 13, 2010

Crutches Smutches

Let me first say this: I am not known for my grace or stature. I am clumsy. I have literally fallen over my own two feet. Once, when I was 12, I broke both of my wrists AT THE SAME TIME by jumping off of a stage at my church. I had to wear two casts. My mom had to help me shower, write, eat, go to bed, etc. (As if being 12 isn't awkward enough.)

Many times have I just been walking down a driveway and twisted my ankles, enough to the point where I say "OUCH" Then in about 5 minutes after walking, my ankle is still sore, but it gets better.

The most recent time this happened was in May. It was really early in the morning and I was just walking down the street on the way to my car, and my ankle twisted enough that I fell down. I got back up immediately and went on my way, and my ankle felt fine that day.

Well, here I am last week, on Friday, just minding my own business. I was on my way out of the R.V. to go wash a few dishes. With dishes in hand I made my way down the four steps to the ground. All I remember is it went like this: step, step, ste... CRAAASH. Down I fell to the ground, twisting my right ankle and landing on my left side. The dishes fell (nothing broke oddly enough) and made a loud clatter. I immediately began swearing every curse word I knew. VERY LOUDLY. Followed by crying. I layed there on the ground in more pain than I'd ever felt in my entire life (not counting childbirth). I wondered what I would do, how would I get into the house? So after about 10 minutes of crying and not being able to move, I hopped with my left leg up 2 steps and into the house. Shortly after that, my pseudo-brother-in-law came home and was able to call my boyfriend's mom who came to pick me up.

She took me into the nearest walk in clinic where I saw a doctor. He took a look at my ankle and made me get X-rays in which they deduced it is not broken! PHEW!
It IS a "severe sprain" To read more about that click HERE:

This means I have torn the ligaments in my ankle. And I am immobile. WTF. This includes 3 phases of resting, the first phase takes one whole week! The second phase takes another two weeks, and the third phase is where I am supposed to return to normal activities slowly. ARRRRGH! I never have had such an injury before and I keep expecting it to just feel better. I keep expecting that maybe I will just be able to walk on it. Last night I attempted to take one step, and as soon as I put both feet on the ground, and moved my right foot it was excruiating pain. I won't be doing that again; I know it was stupid.

I am using crutches and have to keep my ankle in an air-splint.
Anyway, I have never felt so helpless in my life. Now, instead of my mom helping, it's my boyfriend with the brunt of the work. I have to have him help me get things from up high, help me shower, cook my meals (I can't stand up by any means without crutches). So, that's been pretty fun. (At least the showering part. Hahahahah!... I mean really, I can't complain about a hot guy slathering me with soap while holding me up, can I?) Now I am laying in bed, probably for at least until Friday and then I get to start trying to flex my ankle, foot, and leg again. Gooood times!

Coincidentally, or not, I had a UTI at the time of the sprain, so I was able to get some antibiotics for that, which helps. The doctor prescribed me some pain medication, which makes me really itchy and semi-naseous. I suppose it's better than being in constant pain.

In the past, I've never thought that a sprained ankle could do so much damage. I was wrong. Lesson learned. Times like this make me thankful I do not have a job or anywhere to go today because otherwise I'd be screwed. If anyone would like to deliver me candy, food, some lotion, or a drink, I'd be happy. I won't say no!

Anyway, I guess from now on I will pay attention to what I'm doing while I'm walking. Every second counts.

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