Monday, September 13, 2010


Update: Still feel like I don't have a place to call my own. Still hate living in a bedroom. Still feeling like crap 'cause I don't have a job. Still not knowing my purpose in being here, rather, not finding my only purpose to be enough. Totally feeling useless, but trying to find the good sides and "usefulness" of doing laundry, going grocery shopping, and doing other basic housewiving duties even though I don't have a baby and am not married. Basically, nothing mentally has changed since I came back from Burning Man. I love my boyfriend. He is the one I want to spend my life with. I love my friends here. Glad they support me in so many ways. Soooo.... all I need now is a bar to drink happy hour at for cheap, a job so I can DRINK at said bar, a place to live of my own. (of OUR own) I want to be domestic, I'm freaking good at it. I want to cook meals and clean the house and take care of a baby (this is totally the ex-mormon left in me) and guess what? I can't do any of these things 'cause I don't have a place. I am so freaking bored I feel like I'm losing my mind!!! People say "get a hobby" while they themselves have none, or have a job or kids to occupy their time. Idle hands are the devils work etc etc etc. To these people I say "Fuck off! I don't WANT a hobby." I want a couple of things:
a baby, or a job. Perhaps a job, then later a baby... that would be the preferred order. And just so you know, NO we are not trying for a baby currently, but I am certain we will have one or two someday in the future. It just feels as since I am just going to be spending most of my time sitting around doing nothing and have done so for 9 months now, well,.... I could at least be NOW doing something like raising another kid before I get too old. Anyway, that's enough for now, I guess. I haven't been posting much lately 'cause I don't really have anything positive to say. I'm a bummer of a person even to myself.

1 comment:

Helena said...

It's hard to not have your own space! I hope things are better soon.