Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Universe Takes Another One

Dear Universe,

You can probably stop killing people off now. What is it with you and your need to rob us of the great ones? So many years of destruction. I'm pissed off at you right now. I've had enough of your bullshit. Maybe it's time for you to get off your lazy, mean, ass and just send some good things our way, all right? I'd really appreciate it and, more importantly, so would my boyfriend and his family! As if stealing MY dad & brother wasn't enough, now you go & take HIS dad too??? Well, to this universe, to this moment, I give a big "FUCK YOU! AND the horse you rode in on."
p.s. I know that I should probably talk nicely to next time, but right now I just don't feel like it. So there. You've helped me out in the past, and I'm hoping that you help me out in the future, but right now, You are totally on my bad side.


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