Monday, April 4, 2011

It's been too long

I haven't posted in a long time. I guess I didn't really have anything exciting to say here! I really still don't, but whatever. I rarely have anything great to say in any case.

My b.f. and I moved away from the RV we were living in and now we are living in a house. It has 3 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a pantry. So much space. Sometimes I just sit in my living room and think "This is so freaking awesome." Because it totally is! My b.f. works so hard so we can afford this, and it's just another way I'm thankful for him.

Over the last two weeks my kids were here in town visiting us. That was really REALLY fun. We mostly just chilled around the house, and it made me happy. We did go to the space needle, and that was definitely worth remembering. We also spent a lot of time over at my friend's house... one of my besties! One of my kids besties also.

We had to take them to Portland on Saturday, so they could go home. While we were doing that we had the chance to visit with some of our good friends in Portland. And one of my best friends from K. Falls came up and visited us too. It was one of the BEST most fun weekends I've had in a very long time, and I really needed it to help me calm down and feel better about not having my kids for another month. It was so great, it was so epic. Loved it. Love all the people involved in it.

The other new thing is that my b.f. and I got a cat. His name is Pixel and he is a Russian Blue. He makes me feel less lonely and I love having him around to pet and to play with and to just generally make me feel less alone in the house all day. It's kind of amazing.

Sometimes I get overwhelmed by all the love I am surrounded by lately. It makes me feel HAPPY.
That is it for now.

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