Monday, February 21, 2011

Newish News

I've spent the last weekend in Oregon visiting my mom and kids. It was awesome as it always is. But the end- the END- when I have to take my kids home- it sucks. It's so harsh. I usually need at least a day or two to recover emotionally from it. Tomorrow I get to ride the train for 12 hours, but who knows how "relaxing" that will be. The next day is Wed. and I have to go to the aquarium for volunteering and then I work that night so relaxing then either. But THURSDAY- I'm taking a little bit of "me" time I believe. I plan on laying in bed and watching some episodes of True Blood Season Two which is at the library waiting for me! WAHOOOOO! Also taking some time to have Snuggleplex 3000 (TM) with my boyfriend. *wink*
Anyway- back to the hard part. Today my daughter said to me, "I am always sad before I have to go home but then once I'm there I feel better because I'm at home." And I said, "I know exactly how you feel." Because it is EXACTLY how I feel. I'm sad to have to leave Oregon but I'll be happy once I'm back in Washington because that is my home.

Update on my depression. Well I still feel sad sometimes. The difference, since I have been taking "brain drugs" is that the sadness doesn't overwhelm me. I have thoughts of "shit this sucks." And then those thoughts give way to normal day to day thoughts. I don't cry as much. I don't cry all day. I have not yet had an anxiety attack. Hopefully I won't have ANY, but time will tell I guess. I'm feeling pretty optomistic about this. Every time I take my pill I tell myself "Brain drugs" and then I laugh. Because for some reason drugs make me laugh and when I call them brain drugs it makes me happy, so why not, right? To sum it up: I say YAY for antidepressants!!! YAAAAAAY!

Other things:
We are finally FINALLY moving out of the R.V. This means that we will have a HOUSE to live in together. A whole house!!! Can you IMAGINE? I sure as hell can. It's going to be so awesome. 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a living and dining and laundry room and a yard JUST FOR US!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH.
That is more than the length of an RV for SURE! Now we can have my family visit us more easily, and friends come hang out with us, and a place to sleep in our comfy bed that's not freezing!
I'm so excited! Thank you RV you have served your purpose in my life. I shall look back fondly on you and hope you continue to serve a purpose for my sis-in-law. I am on to bigger and better things.

1 comment:

Helena said...

Yay for the house! It sounds awesome! (I want a house!)