Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Weird Dreams

Last night I had a CRAZY dream about dad. He showed up at his house and mom was acting like it wasn't a big deal. This is like the 3rd dream I've had about him faking his death, but the other ones were funny, this one was a little weird/scary. So back to the dream... I'm freaking out, and mom's like, "naw, it's just that we buried him alive. He found a way out." I'm like "whatever, NO, we didn't, I remember he was dead on the bed in the hospital, remember mom?" yelling at her, and she's just calm going "no, he wasn't dead. We raised him up." I said "like Lazurus? What the hell? He's a demon, mom, he's not dad." And I looked over and dad's face was all like an exray of the devil's cartoon face. Then I woke up but it took a minute to realize that dad wasn't a devil nor did he fake his death. Dreams are cool.

1 comment:

Helena said...

The other night I dreamed that I got a phone call from an old friend (who died a couple of months ago), and I was was trying to figure out what was up with that. I think I decided that it was either an impostor or he'd faked his death for some reason. Weird.