Sunday, December 7, 2008

Cheesy Christmas Parties

It's been cold here but not snowing (yet) and that's great! I've just been chillin' out working a lot.... 40 hours a week is ridiculous, at this point Burger King has become my second home, but hey, it pays the bills. Last night I attended Shanna's Cheesy Xmas Sweater Party, it was loads of fun. Good food, good drinks, and great conversations. I love Christmas Parties. I got the outfit at goodwill. The headband is from the dollar store, and the boots I bought over the summer and wore all around burning man. It's disgusting that at one point someone paid GREAT money for the clothes we all had on. Ew. Shaun & Wes were the flake brothers, and Wes won the prize for best accessories because of his sign that says "so many flakes so little time" He's a librarian so that's quite fitting for him. Margot, the lady on the right, won the prize for best metallics. If any of you have not had a cheesy sweater party, I suggest it highly! Sappy holidays one and all. It's great fun and a great way to become bonded through tackiness.


Helena said...

I have heard of these parties. It does look like a hoot. ("bonded through tackiness." Ha.)

Erika said...

I know, 'bonded' 'tacky' it's quite hilarious to me as well.