Monday, April 18, 2011


old friends
good friends
true friends
great conversations
new friends
importance of history happening while we partook in it
snow monkeys
talking of love and of falling into it
waking up
french toast and jam
ice cream and where to get it
nap time
20 questions
the sky, table lamp
an irish pub
beautiful friends in beautiful clothing
cold cold line waiting
moving stopping moving again
finding our place
musical genius
singing, drums, marimba, guitar, bass,
lyrics. The most amazing lyrics.
poems by DICKMAN!!!!
teary eyes not believing such a woman was right in front of me.
Right in front of me.
Breathing the same air as me.
leaving excited with open night ahead
Cheap dive bar
Strong drinks
Dilletante chocolate cherry martinis
Expensive for my own taste
Laughter Walking Shouting
Going "home" for the night
Negro Modelo and
Hard cider made for spring
Limited Editions
My joy and surprise in the crisp peach flavor
Wishing it would last longer than spring.
Speaking of crushes, of girls loving boys loving boys loving girls loving girls loving girls loving everyone.
Speaking of meetings, of getting together, of relationships, of cheating, of open/closed/poly/mono/normal ???/communication!!!
Setting boundaries making loose rules
Deep huge bathtubs built for two or three.
Remembering the pleasure of having a bath drawn for only you.
Goddess in white appearing from nowhere
Hairbrush in hand
Backrubs, scalp rubs, skin
Foreign words entering my brain for later use.
Foreign feelings entering my brain for later use.
Perrier/Perrierrrr Water. Drink more water. Snob water.
So warm, pruny skin.
Fancy thick beer for sharing.
Towels lotion tea tree oil
the softest lips I have ever been kissed with.
Blankets, beds, couches, floors, kitchens, windows, music, birds
Sunrise of the city coming to life
People in planes so far away doing "real life" things
Too many thoughts going so fast wanting to hold the moment to never forget how this feels right here right now.
Snuggles kisses Love. Sex. Feeling.
The tiny hairs on smooth skin.
Dancing not believing
Dream world such meditation such beautiful bodies moving in the sunlight all as one
Remembering things from nowhere, memories popping to life.
Old porches and other sunrises and a whole different past.
Never thinking never imagining how amazing this could be.
Never imagining I could end up here. HERE with these people.
Love. Love. Shared. Important. Kept. So close to my heart, in my mind forever.
Sunlight, curtains, so warm in blankets, so loved, so close to tears with joy.
Together Alone Apart Together.
As together as "this is my life and it is really happening right now."
As one. As one. As one.
Sleep eluding those of us who never want it to end.
Never want it to end.
Waking up (was there any sleep at all)
Topless woman perfect mind perfect body
Coffee, toast, and apples pears grapefruit and just enough raspberries for each to have one.
Reluctantly dressing back to a life so far gone, so far in the past.
Walking outside, music playing in a fountain.
Children, sunlight, getting sprayed by musical water.
Thankful. Thankful. Thankful.
In love with this.
Dream like state dream like world dream like life dream like you have never dreamed before like dreaming is all that matters because dreams are real.

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